Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Obama Revives Internal White House Political Office

With Democratic control of the Senate crucial to President Obama's hopes of getting second-term priorities through Congress, President Obama has brought back an internal White House political office to help boost Congressional Democrats in midterm elections. Obama named David Simas, a top adviser previously grappling with the health care rollout, to oversee the new Office of Political Strategy and Outreach. In an unusual move, Obama had closed the internal White House political office in 2011, sparking Congressional Democrats to grumble about lack of support. But the new office will be slimmed down from the 15-member operation that existed before 2011, with about a third of the staff. Simas will advise President Obama on the political climate, handle requests for campaign appearances, coordinate strategy with the Democratic National Committee and other national and local party operations, and will tell administration officials what they can do legally when they get involved in political activity, according to the White House. See the news report at http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/01/24/obama-white-house-david-simas-_n_4661699.html?utm_hp_ref=politics&ir=Politics

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